

"Negreaniu", Polk, Berkey e não só foram alvos que Nick Vertucci colocou em frente à mira de Phil Hellmuth, no mais recente THE NICK VERTUCCI SHOW, intitulado "PHIL HELLMUTH ATTACK MODE". Na essência é pouco mais de uma hora de "Apex Predator Shit", com micro-segundos de realidade como quando deixou sair da sua boca a frase "Lets be clear, I'm not saying... I didn't say the best, I'm one of the best all around cash game players right now".

Mais frases "soltas" em evidência, intervaladas com reacções dos visados nas redes sociais:

"I won 30 times in a row... they can't beat me in the cash-games!"

"I don't think I've had a losing month in the last 15 years... excuse me, since 2011."

Sobre Matt Berkey:

Hellmuth: I'm the... listen, first of all, when it comes to Berkey, I've blocked him, I haven't really... I've seen, like, ten... I've watched, like, one minute of one podcast he's done in like... So to me Berkey doesn't even exist.
Nick: kay...
Hellmuth: And I watched him and I watched him plow through money in the cash games and play horribly, and, ahh, you know, and so... and for a long time, and now I think he got really good, maybe now he's a great player...

Quando questionado sobre o "porquê" das opiniões de "Negreaniu", Polk e Berkey:

Nick: Why is the question?
Hellmuth: Oh I know why! Look at Michael Jordan, he's the greatest of all time, look a Tiger Woods, he's the greatest of all time. I'm friend with these guys, right? Look what happened, all of the suden Michael Jordan, they're making memes or like attacking them, because anybody that's at the top for 20 years, is eventually attack...
Nick: So you think it's jealousy?
Hellmuth: Of course it's jealousy! And, you know, of course it's jealousy... plus there's an element of delusion, right?

So now Doug Polk, now he switches tactics, first of all he's a guy that cuts videos in his basement about me, so when I went off saying "I'm gonna burn this place down" they forgot to include that I said "I'm going to make a joke" that I'm going to burn the... you know, I'm gonna make this joke and it kind of looks bad...

Doug Polk is doing a lot of fake news

Sobre o facto de estar frequentemente shortstack em eventos "televisionados", a estratégia e não só à volta de cash games:

Nick: Are you afraid to play deep?
Hellmuth: I'm not afraid to play deep...
Nick: Ok, what's the reason?
Hellmuth: Because I won 24 out of 25, do you think I should change?
Nick: I don't think anything, I'm asking you the you the question...
Hellmuth: No, but answer...
Nick: Ok, I'll answer you. If it ain't broke, don't fix it, but with that said there can be two answers: I understand the theory that if it's working and you're printing, why should you? Okay... I get it. But would you not think, because of the hits you take, because you are on that week to put on a performance, and you are for some people someone they want to watch, don't you think it was a mistake?
Hellmuth: A mistake?
Nick: Not finacially, because of EV+ and that it's smart to do that and you're winning. A mistake for your brand?
Hellmuth: Yes.

Mais frases soltas dão pistas do "net worth" de Hellmuth, segundo o próprio, e ainda uma explicação de "White Magic":

"I thought I was worth over $100 million in April, unfortunately it' fallen since then."

Nick: What the fuck is white magic?
Hellmuth: White magic was a concept that I had to invented because players didn't understand what I'm doing and the still don't.

A história não é longa, mas dá para resumir: algures entre 2009 e 2011, Hellmuth largou AJ BvB após shove de 17 blinds da SB, alegando que a sua leitura após ter revelado a força da mão foi de que o adversário estaria "relaxado", ou seja contente. Na discussão da mão com uma das "bright young superstars, really smart guy", este questiona o fold e justifica com matemática.

"Is there really a whole poker generation playing poker by math? And if so, how ridiculous do I look to them? And how frustrated are they that I just keep winning and winning and deep runs and deep runs... and they don't understand how!"

"There's a whole generation that thinks poker is all math, unbelievable! And I'm like this is so yummy! And if this is the case, I'll just keep printing money until I'm 80! If they can't understand that if you want to be the greatest poker player in the world you better be able to read somebody! Wow, what a life I have... and it's been that way, it's crazy!"

Acima estão apenas algumas das "mais interessantes" respostas de Hellmuth dos primeiros 30 minutos, com o resto a ser similar sobre os temas mais esperados. Ao desconhecido Berkey e ao fake news Polk, Hellmuth aborda o amigo Negreanu, que confirma a real amizade e que a opinião pública do canadiano sobre o poker de Hellmuth é a mesma que em privado.

Antes de fecharmos, aconselhando quem esteja interessado em mais contexto e muitas repetições em fazer play abaixo, palavra para o Eric anti-Hellmuth Person. Hellmuth começa por dizer que "Person is great for poker" mas rapidamente o transforma no avatar de Berkey, Polk e do movimento "Phil sucks at poker".

Uma hora de quinze minutos de "white magic", no PHIL HELLMUTH ATTACK MODE produzido por Nick Vertucci:

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